Sister Suzanne Donner’s Signature Tip for Starting Seedlings; Sisters to the Land, March 2019

The daily reading for Tuesday, October 27, 2020 was Luke 13:12-21
Jesus said, “What is the Kingdom of God like?
To what can I compare it?
It is like a mustard seed that a man took and planted in the garden.
When it was fully grown, it became a large bush
and the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches.”
Again he said, “To what shall I compare the Kingdom of God?
It is like yeast that a woman took
and mixed in with three measures of wheat flour
until the whole batch of dough was leavened.”

Sister Suzanne thinks the smallest seed is a lettuce seed, but knows the amazing creations of God, and faith, grow from something small with a little dedicated nurturing and care. Take a look at this short video from the Sisters to the Land event in March 2019 and learn Sister Suzanne Donner’s signature tip for starting seedlings.

Sister Margaret Therese Hebert, OP

Sister Margaret Therese’s Services

Private burial at Roselawn Cemetery, Friday, October 9. A memorial mass will be held at Sacred Heart Convent at a later date.

In lieu of flowers or visits, donations may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704.The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister Margaret Therese are served by Butler Funeral Homes.

Springfield Dominican Sister Margaret Therese Hebert, OP, died October 6, 2020, at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, Ill. She was born in Pana, Ill., in 1952, to Noel and Mary Louis (Fullerton) Hebert, and baptized Margaret Louise at St. Patrick Church, Pana.

She joined the Dominicans in 1973 and professed her vows in 1976 at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield.

Primary school teaching, pastoral ministry, spiritual direction, and the craft of woodworking were, each in turn, central to her life. Early in her religious life she taught primary grades at Catholic schools in Springfield, Hampshire, Chicago, Aurora, Philo, and Rantoul, Ill. After completing studies in spirituality and spiritual direction, she ministered as a spiritual director at Benincasa Dominican Renewal Center, Riverton, Ill., then became pastoral associate for a cluster of parishes in Auburn, Divernon, and Waverly, Ill. From 2000-2007 she was pastoral associate and then parish director for three rural parishes in the diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin: Holy Family-St. William, Wittenberg; St. Anthony, Tigerton; and St. Mary, Marion.

From 2011-2016 she assisted her Dominican Sisters at Sacred Heart Convent and cared for her parents. In 2017 she furthered her ministry as woodworker at the Creative Arts Center, Jubilee Farm, New Berlin, Ill. She remained active as a spiritual director and was pleased to serve as a sponsor for several Springfield Dominican associates.

Sister Margaret Therese was preceded in death by her parents and her sister, Therese Hebert. She is survived by her brothers Philip (Mary Jo), Mark, Paul, John (Patsy) and Joseph (Marci) Hebert, many loving nieces and nephews, and dear friends.