Spiritual Direction

Though the ancient art of spiritual direction has its deepest roots in the earliest Christian centuries, all faith traditions and ages have come to value this rich experience. While spiritual direction uses skills similar to counseling, it is neither psychotherapy nor counseling. It does, however, provide support, understanding and insights into how God is working in a person’s life. Assisting an individual in discovering ways to become more integrated, grounded and aware of the gifts and graces active in all of life’s situations are some of the key elements found within the practice of spiritual direction.

Some reasons a person may choose spiritual direction . . .

A desire to grow in one’s relationship with God;
A crisis of faith in which previous answers no longer suffice;
A hunger and thirst that never seems to be satisfied;
A desire to further integrate prayer and spirituality into one’s daily life;
A need for a safe environment in which to share struggles, losses and disappointments, as well as hopes and dreams.

The spiritual directors at Jubilee Farm offer individual sessions, small group sessions, days of prayer and reflection, individually directed or group retreats and programs.

For more information and fee schedule, contact Sr. Anita Cleary at 217-787-6927.

Anita Cleary, OP   email