Merry Christmas!


Click here to view the Christmas Greeting from the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois!

Whenever Christ is born anew Joy resounds in all Creation and Peace echoes throughout the land!

May the Gift of Peace fill your hearts and homes this Christmas.

Sisters Rose Marie Riley, OP Sisters Barbara Blesse, OP Sr. Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP Sr. Kathleen Cour, OP Sisters Kathlyn Mulcahy, OP and All the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois

Sisters Rose Marie Riley, OP Sisters Barbara Blesse, OP Sr. Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP Sr. Kathleen Cour, OP Sisters Kathlyn Mulcahy, OP and All the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois

İCuando Cristo nazca de nuevo, resuena los ecos de la Alegría en toda la Creación y la Paz en toda la tierra!

Que el don de la Paz llene sus corazones y sus hogares esta Navidad.

Sisters Rose Marie Riley, OP Sisters Barbara Blesse, OP Sr. Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP Sr. Kathleen Cour, OP Sisters Kathlyn Mulcahy, OP and All the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois

Our Corporate Stance on Global Climate Change

Global Climate Change Corporate StanceWe stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. (Adapted from Earth Charter Preamble)

Our Corporate Stance on Global Climate ChangeWe, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois, recognize the reality of Global Climate Change and its impact on the whole Earth community, particularly on poor and vulnerable persons. We commit to lending our individual and collective voice to those efforts, consistent with our Catholic faith and the Dominican search for truth, that seek to mitigate the effects of Climate Change.