The Restoration Plan of Jubilee Farm
Ecological Restoration consists of removing invasive species, assisting the regeneration or reintroduction of native species and continued management of the land to keep invasive species from returning. We believe that our ongoing restoration plan enables Earth to heal herself.
Our focus at Jubilee Farm has been to free the pasture and wooded area from choking undergrowth through the cultural control of invasive species and controlled burns. We are very grateful to the volunteers who assist in these efforts.

What are the specific areas of focus?
Pastures – assisting the return of these areas to assemblages of native wildflowers and grasses by seeding them with extant native plants and managing non-native species.
Woodlands – removing invasive species, assisting native species regeneration, and protecting new growth.
Wetlands – dredging small wetland areas, protecting bank erosion, preventing silting in of wetland from neighborhood to the west.

What is a Restoration Plan?
Ecological Restoration consists of removing invasive species, assisting the regeneration or reintroduction of native species and continued management of the land to keep invasive species from returning.

What is Jubilee Farm’s Plan?
While keeping herbicide use to a bare minimum, our focus has been to free the pasture and wooded areas from choking undergrowth, primarily through the use of volunteer labor, cultural control of invasive species, and controlled burns.

What would help us accomplish our tasks?
o Volunteer helpers
o Monetary donations for equipment
o Monetary donations for native plants and seeds
o Donations of gently used outdoor equipment