Much of what has been accomplished over the years has been due to our kind and generous supporters, people like you who really believe in what we are attempting to be and do. Like so many others in various ministries, we rely on your good will and your financial support.
Would you consider joining our alliance of Friends?
For a donation of $25 or more a year, you would help support our varied programs, provide scholarships for those seeking spiritual direction and retreat time, and assist in the care of our animals and in the upkeep of our gardens, pastures, and buildings.
In return, you would know you are:
- assisting a local effort at sustainable living
- offsetting some of your carbon footprint
- part of a global community committed to the care and integrity of creation
- in our daily prayers.
If you wish to be designated a Friend, please note so on your donation.
If you would like to contribute to the continued presence of Jubilee Farm, please use the Donate button on this website or mail a check or money order to:
Jubilee Farm
6760 Old Jacksonville Road
New Berlin, IL 62670