Baking and Cooking with Vegetables
Friday, May 10, 2019
Center for Creative Arts at Jubilee Farm
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Question: What comes after the gardens are planted?
Answer: Dreams of future produce and delicious recipes!
Join Anita Cleary, OP in the kitchen at Jubilee Farm! Come and experiment with new and tasty recipe options for summer and fall produce.
Bring a friend, an apron, and your appetite!
The $50.00 registration fee includes ingredients, recipes and lunch.
Lunch will be the sharing of participants’ baking and cooking.
After lunch there will be time for asking questions, looking at recipes, and purchasing herb, flower and vegetable seedlings. If time permits there will be opportunity to walk the trails.
To register call Anita Cleary, OP
Jubilee Farm