Climate Change: No Denying It

Washington_IL_photo_by Alexandra Sutter from WMBD
Washington, IL tornado aftermath photo by Alexandra Sutter from WMBD

Here is an excerpt from Climate Change: No Denying It written by Sister Sharon Zayac, OP the Director of Jubilee Farm. To read the whole article click here or click on the image below.


Social Analysis

A new study looking at 11,000 years
of climate temperatures shows the
world is in the middle of a dramatic
U-turn, lurching from near record cooling
to an unprecedented heat spike in the
20th century. (Union of Concerned Scientists,
Every one of the past 35 years has been
warmer than the 20th century average.
The 12 warmest years on record have all
occurred since 1998. 2012 was the hottest
year ever recorded for the contiguous
United States.

The principal driver of long-term
warming is the total emissions of CO2.
At current rates, CO2 emissions will
hurtle us past a planetary climate rise of
2 degrees Celsius in less than 50 years,
conservatively assuming that emissions
rates do not continue on their current
upward trajectory of approximately 3%
per year.

Climate change is not a new reality.
The long-predicted dramatic effects we
are experiencing have been building
for years and are now literally in our
faces as we, even in our country, endure
floods, fires, dust storms, droughts, E-5
tornadoes, massive blizzards, melting
glaciers, ocean level rise, the expansion
of disease vectors, and off-the-scale
pollen counts. In the words of Martin
Luther King, “We are living in the fierce
urgency of now.”

Christmas Pottery Sale


The Christmas Pottery sale continues this week from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM this weekend (Dec. 7-8) and next weekend (Dec. 14-15).

Sister Mary Fran, OP has done spectacular pottery this year including Christmas items, Fall items, large and small bowls, dragons, beautiful boxes and many more items for all members of your family and friends.

We have a “Door Prize” to be given away at the end of the sales. The Drawing will take place December 15 at noon.   No need to be there for the drawing.  We just need your name and telephone number to contact you if you won.

Please encourage your family, friends and everyone in your parish to take advantage of this sale and to come and take a peek.  The Jubilee Farm barn is decorated for Christmas and it is warmed by a powerful heater.  Hot Cocoa and Tea will be available while you shop around.


Where:  Jubilee Farm
6760 Old Jacksonville Rd.
New Berlin, IL 62670
(located 3.8 miles down Old Jacksonville Rd.)

When: 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM



Alpacas Arrive!

Happy autumn!  It is now fall at Jubilee Farm and on this beautiful day, two new alpacas arrived at Jubilee Farm greeted by Sister Kathleen Cour, Sister Sharon Zayac, Sister Barbara Blessee, Sister Melanie Roetker, Sister Suzanne Donner and Sister Anita Cleary…  oh, and the resident llamas of course!  The dark brown alpaca is named Linden and the white alpaca is named Corb.  The alpacas were small enough to travel in a van on the way to their new home.

The autumnal equinox is sending our spring weather to our Hermanas in South America as they emerge from winter to spring. The farm had a lot of new life this spring that grew and is still flourishing.